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Copenhagen - one of the most sustainable cities in Europe


(photo: Foto: Jens Lindhe)




How do construction affect the environment, the economy and social conditions?


The DGNB system is a holistic understanding of construction, ie. environment, economy and social conditions are given equal weight, eg when a company must have developed a garden, or when a municipality develops a new urban area. The project is developed on the basis of a large number of global criteria based on the UN's definition of sustainability, see also the list below.


Internationally, they also work with BREEAM and LEED certifications. It is standard for all our programs that you visit a certain number of projects that are DGNB-certified or have a similar standard.


We emphasize that you, for example, hear presentations during the project visit about:


• The changed collaboration processes between, for example, the client, design studio, contractor, etc., when a project is to be DGNB-certified.

• Where to start if you want a project DGBN certified?

• What are the differences between DGNB Platinum, DGNB Gold, DGNB Silver and DGNB Diamond?

• How much does a DGNB certification cost?

The global DGNB criteria below are partly based on the Danish standards and partly on the German ones:


Environmentally sustainable

Drinking water and drains

How does it affect biodiversity in the area?

What is the resource consumption - and what is the risk of the local environment's environmental impact?


Economically sustainable

The costs in relation to the life cycle of the construction (eg long-lasting materials, non-climate-damaging materials)

Flexibility and degree of utilization: For example, can the building be transformed for other purposes, eg by not having load-bearing columns that block other utilization - and eg by having flexible walls?

Market competition: Does it maintain its market value?


Functionally sustainable

Air quality indoors and outdoors

Acoustic comfort

Visual comfort

User influence: To what extent have users been involved in the development of the project?


Technically sustainable

Construction technology

Easy to clean

To what extent are the materials recyclable?

Mobility and infrastructure: Is there short access to public transport, to cycle paths, etc.?


Whether the prior process has been sustainable

Project preparation

The construction process

Quality assurance of the workmanship


Whether the impact on the site is sustainable

How does construction affect the surrounding space in a broader sense?

What impact does it have on the urban area as a whole?

To what extent is the project close to other possible residences or other built environment?


Tour: 1 - 2 days


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